Process of Preparation for Candidates


“The reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace” (CCC 1285).

The following points are to be part of the process of preparation for Confirmation in the Diocese of Sioux Falls. All of these preparation guidelines and requirements are intended to best prepare all candidates to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

1. “To receive Confirmation one must be in a state of grace. One should receive the sacrament of Penance in order to be cleansed for the gift of the Holy Spirit More intense prayer should prepare one to receive the strength and graces of the Holy Spirit with docility and readiness to act” (CCC 1310).

It is important that parishes facilitate good options for the candidates to be able to receive the sacrament of Penance prior to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.  Ideally, a parish should schedule a couple of different times just prior to Confirmation day but also throughout the preparation period.  This is also why it is good to find a retreat that includes Confession as part of the retreat as retreats often facilitate an atmosphere where Confession is taken more seriously.  

2. The candidate should recognize the importance of a relationship with Jesus in his/her life.

In Forming Intentional Disciples, they discuss The Spiritual Journeys (pg. 54).  These journeys are 1) to be a conscious Disciple of Jesus Christ,  2) a fully initiated Catholic, and 3) an active parishioner.  The author talks about the importance of journeying in all three of the areas.  They go on to say that we too often assume that a person is doing the first one (striving to live as a Discipleship of Jesus) when we see that they are doing the second and third ones.

The parishes preparation program should facilitate discussion and give the candidate opportunities to discern and express whether or not they are striving to follow Christ and have a relationship with him.  The preparation process should also facilitate opportunities for youth to grow in this desire.

Resources/Ideas to Help Facilitate This

3. The candidate should participate regularly in the sacramental, liturgical life of the parish and intend to continue that life. This includes weekly Mass attendance.

This is not always easy to measure and many parishes have different ways of doing so.  It is important that this point be communicated well at the beginning of the preparation process.  In the event that a candidate expresses that they do NOT intend to continue going to Mass or participating in the sacramental, liturgical life of the parish, it should be communicated to the pastor well before Confirmation day.

4. The candidate should demonstrate an understanding of the principal elements of the Christian message according to his/her age and ability and be committed to continuing education and growth in faith and participation in parish life after Confirmation.

Oftentimes a parish will provide a short quiz or assessment for the candidate to complete.  A pastor may require something like this to be completed prior to receiving the sacrament, but it is not necessary in order to evaluate their understanding.  Like most areas of these guidelines, it is ultimately up to the pastor to determine this readiness.

5. The candidate must attend one (1) retreat prior to receiving the sacrament. This retreat must meet the expectations found on the final page of this document.

Please see the notes (here) for information about this requirement.

6. The candidate should choose a Confirmation name. The baptismal name is to be encouraged as the choice of name in order to show the relationship between the two sacraments. Choosing another saint can also be fruitful in that it requires further research and study in the lives of the saints.

It is recommended that parishes facilitate preparation for this guideline in ways that promote a deeper understanding of the saints and the Church.  This can really be one of the more fun areas of preparation, but ensuring that the purpose of choosing a saint is communicated well is very important.

Some Ideas To Help Candidates Choose Saint Names

7. The readiness of the candidate should be discerned through an interview by the pastor or a delegate of the pastor.

Is it ultimately the pastor who should determine the readiness of a candidate.  When possible, it is best to have the pastor do these interviews.  In larger parishes, pastors often do the interviews along with the help of parish staff or lay volunteers.

The goal of the interview is to discern readiness.  It is best to do the interview at least a month prior to receiving the sacrament in case it is determined that a candidate is not ready.  This will give room for the candidate to prepare in the ways that the pastor is recommending or if they will not be ready, it gives them good enough notice to be fair to them and their families.

8. The candidate must personally write a letter to the bishop requesting the Sacrament of Confirmation.

This is an important formality in helping the confirmand understand that what they will be receiving is important, but also they understand that it is them that are requesting it.  The desire should come from them and not from their parents.

Bishop does read these letters and they are most helpful in learning about the group before he arrives and also to learn about some of the things happening around the Diocese that are working to help draw our youth into a deeper relationship with Christ.

9. Candidates should have at least two meetings with their sponsor prior to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation to discuss the faith and preparation to receive the sacrament. The parish may provide assistance regarding the focus of these meetings.

There is more information about the role of the sponsor here but it is important to communicate the role of the sponsor well to the candidate.  Parishes should provide adequate resources to facilitate discussion between the candidate and the sponsor.  Parishes should ensure that this relationship is taking place throughout the preparation process and that the sponsor understands and is fulfilling their obligations as well.  

Resources Available To Help Facilitate This